Author Guidelines

  1. Papers:
  • On the boundary of Religious Education,  Islamic Education, and Religious Moderation
  • Non-plagiarism, 
  • Never and not being published in other journals, 
  • Written in English, Indonesian (using Microsoft WordGaramond 12, 1 space, A-4), or Arabic (Microsoft World, Traditional Arabic 14, 1 space). The article’s length is 5000-7000 words, including all pictures, tables, nomenclatures, references, etc.
  1. The identity of papers requires; a title, full name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, and email.
  2. The abstract contains; the issue, purpose (contains objectives of the research), method (delivers data collection of the research), results of the research (refers to collected data as an effort to answer the research question), impact, and conclusion (summary of the finding and the result of the research) and keywords (3-5 words). The Abstract consists of a maximum of 300 words.
  3. The contents of papers for empirical research consist of an IntroductionMethodResults, and Discussion (IMRAD), Conclusion, and References 

Title of Article: Write A Sentence That Describes The Substance Of The Article; Maximum 16 Words; Use Centre Alignment; Use Garamond 12 Bold; Use Capitalize Each Word; Line Spacing Single

Abstracts: use Garamond 12, Bold, Capitalize Each Word, left alignment.

Write the abstract in English, use Garamond 11 for the body of the abstract with one spacing between lines, justified, and consists of a maximum of 300 words. Inform; the issue, purpose (contains objectives of the research), method (delivers data collection of the research), results of the research (refers to collected data as an effort to answer the research question), impact, and conclusion (summary of the finding and the result of the research)

Introduction (Garamond 12, Bold, left alignment)

The introduction should cover three things: 1) the problem being studied, 2) the urgency of raising the problem being studied, and 3) the way the author discusses the problem. For this reason, the author needs to pay attention to the following points: First, the author describes the core of the problem to be discussed, the background, and the article's position in the middle of related studies. In this case, the author can describe the relationship between the article and the articles or other works that have been published, conduct a brief review of the articles or works, and show the originality of the author's article. Second, the authors describe important aspects related to the problem being studied. In this case, the author can also mention the reasons and purposes for discussing the problem in the article in question. This section is intended to show the scholarly contribution of the author in the articles he writes-that the issues raised by the author are very important for publication.

Methods (Garamond 12, Bold, left alignment)

The method describes the research type, data collection, source, and analysis. Written in paragraph form up to 500 words


Informing a number of important (original) field data obtained from questionnaires, surveys, documents, interviews, observations, literature review, and other data collection techniques, containing 3000-5000 words, use Garamond 12, single spacing, and APA Style six edition and management references by Mendeley, can be completed with tables or graphs to clarify the results.


Presenting the data that has been interpreted and analyzed by a specific technique and processed by the specific theory (also from the researcher's idea). Citations in Text use APA style sixth edition using manager reference (Mendeley).

All figures and tables should be cantered and numbered consecutively. Tables (refer to Table 1, Table 2,…) should be presented above the table contained in centre alignment. A descriptive title should be placed after the table title (refer to Table 1, Table 2,…) above each table. The source of the table should be placed on the table in the right alignment. Figures and tables should be mentioned in the related text. 


Write succinctly and clearly the result of the research, then describe the logical consequence in developing science and praxis of Islamic education (The conclusion is not indented and uses Garamond 12).


Contains books with a maximum published year of the last 10 years and journals of a maximum of the last 5 years and is arranged alphabetically. References contain at least 80% of the journal. Consists of references and citations referred to the APA style sixth edition using manager reference (Mendeley/Zotero/Endnote).

Transliteration of Arabic to Latin refers to the model of the Library of Congress